Cardiometabolic Exercise VO2max Test
Have you ever wondered how resistant you are to exercise?
Do you want to know at what intensity you need to train to get better?
Do you want to know at what intensity you burn the most fat?
The VO2max test will reveal everything.
What is VO2max?
VO2max is one of the most important parameters of physical capacity and performance. However, it's not just that alone that matters (see the 5 fundamentals of endurance performance), VO2max represents the maximum amount of oxygen that can be used and converted into energy. The more energy you can produce, the more power and speed you will develop.
Fuel use
This information will help us to determine the energy consumption during the effort, at different intensities (speed or power generated).
We will also identify the rate of use of energy substrates (carbohydrates vs. fats) during exercise, useful for knowing how you can feed yourself according to different workouts and how we can maximise the weight loss process by burning fat.
Stress zones
After VO2max testing we can accurately identify the areas of effort (we are not referring to the % of maximum heart rate), which will allow us to develop training according to the training objectives.
In short, you'll know the heart rate (pulse), speed and power you need to aim for in each training session.
Energy consumption
During the testing we will be able to know how many calories you consume at different intensities of effort.
Combined with the energy substrate usage rate, we will be able to identify an intensity at which you will consume the most calories and burn the most fat to ensure that the weight loss process goes according to plan.
Who can benefit from a VO2max test?
Athletes & General Population - a VO2max test will be useful for professional or performance athletes as well as amateurs or the general population, because we can identify more than one value of oxygen consumption. Professional athletes can adapt training according to their goals and parameters obtained from testing to increase sports performance
We can also reduce the chances of inducing overtraining by monitoring effort.
If you want to become more fit - we can identify areas that need improvement within your effort, developing a plan around your physiology. By knowing the parameters of effort, your training sessions can become more effective and specific to achieve the desired results.
If you want to find out how to fuel according to your training - a VO2max test will also show us how you can fuel according to individual needs. You will be able to know how much carbohydrates and fats you actually consume during exercise, thus understanding how to eat according to the work you do. At the same time, we will also be able to identify the highest fat burning rate, maximizing the weight loss process (if applicable).
If you want to lose weight - the VO2max test is not only for athletes. It is also useful for the general population. If your goal is weight loss (fat loss), we can help you understand which intensities help you burn the most fat and calories.
Maximum fat burning rate - Tired of failing to lose weight despite trying random fad diets and feeling confused about the right direction?
The maximum rate of fat oxidation or the intensity of effort at which you use / burn the most fat can be identified during VO2max testing. The testing will be identical to that of determining VO2max, only that the main parameter we will focus on will be the maximum rate of fat usage.

How does it work?
VO2max tests can be tailored to specific sports, such as football on a field, swimming in water, or running on a treadmill or track. They can also be done in a lab on a treadmill or stationary bike.
Each method has its pros and cons, so it's crucial to choose the right protocol based on the sport. For example, athletes using their upper body (like boxers or rowers) should test on a rowing machine, while footballers might use a treadmill.
General Population
The simplest and most accurate VO2max tests use a treadmill or stationary bike, gradually increasing speed or power each minute until exhaustion.
The test typically lasts 10-15 minutes, depending on your fitness level. During the test, you'll wear a face mask to analyze breath gases and a heart rate monitor to track heart rates at different intensities.
What's next after testing
After completing the VO2max test, we will compile a comprehensive report for you, which will include:
Determined effort zones
VO2max value
Energy consumption (kcal/h) at various effort zones and the use of energy substrates
Aerobic and anaerobic effort thresholds
A discussion session to interpret the results and provide recommendations for improvement